
Toxic friendships

 Are you involved in a toxic friendship. If you are experiencing any of the following you just may be

1. Shady comments 

Is your friend making condescending remarks about your relationships, looks and laughing as if it's a joke? Mocking your purpose or lifestyle?

2. One sided relationships 

Is your friend constantly reaching out to you for help in their time of need buy never there in return?

3. Not including you in important or valuable plans

Are you the friend that is left out of important events or not being included in other friend circles?

4. Jealousy 

Is your friend always making comparisons between the two of you?

Check out I am her podcast this  week for more on toxic friendships !

Click on out website for access !



Taking a break (Make time for yourself)

 Although it may be difficult, stepping away from the outside from time to time is a healthy practice. Our daily lives are hectic and adding outside social relationships can be plain old overwhelming. As woman we are naturally nurturing and often take on the responsibility of those that we love. 

While that is completely normal for many of us to want to constantly help others ,it is not our responsibility. As we continue to give energy and prioritize every one around us often times we do not prioritize ourselves. Many times we neglect our personal needs and do not practice enough self care. 

Healthy ways to practice self care / Take a social break:

1. Disconnect From social media for any amount of chosen time.

2. Don't answer calls for any chosen amount of time necessary to you.

3. Relax at home learn to enjoy your own company .

4. Refrain from interacting with things and people that drain you.

5. Take a get away alone or with your spouse/family. 

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XOXO Coach Miko

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