
I almost forgot me

There was a time , many years ago in which I was so consumed with everyone else in my life , and  that was all that mattered. I woke up every morning to get my children ready for school, husband at the time for work and then I would leave for the day to work myself.

After work , I immediately would return home to help with homework, cook dinner, iron everyones clothes etc. I was married with three children, a spouse that both worked and went to school, therefor I managed the home, (children, maintenance, finances, bill payments etc.) I never had time for me , nor did it ever cross my mind. I was just happy being a wife and mom with a call center job that paid well. I had been  with my then husband for 8 years and all I wanted to do was be a wife and mom. I really thought that that was the perfect life .

Now while I loved those things, I never took time for myself. When my marriage ended I realized that I didn't really know myself or what I wanted or needed. I had totally forgotten myself.  I was 27 years old at the time of my divorce, but once I was out on my own , I began to learn that all of the years that I was just rolling through daily life managing everyone that , what strength it took.  I found out that I love make up and hair and bags and shoes. I realized that I had to begin my career in the field of my dreams , I realized that I had an amazing since of humor. It took me years to not feel guilty for showing myself some love, but now I freely do so!!! Try it!

Happy Friday!

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